He is the source. Abide. Humble yourself. I understand the endless cycles of trying hard to make things happen ...and not being diligent hoping something will just happen on its own. These two ways of doing are incongruent with faith. Now I pray for humility so that I will not struggle endlessly with circumstances designed to humble me. I want to see Him in my work. Difficult circumstances can be provision from God and an answer to prayer. the Discipline of the Lord is a testimony of his fatherly love, a sure sign that he is changing me incrementally into the woman He designed me to be. He determines my role as an artist, in the church, and in the culture. as a true artist, I commit to work against apathy and indifference. He is working to make me like Jesus the prime artisit not to my version of the perfect artisitc life. Jesus submitted himself to sinful men and did not heed their criticism... He Abided in the most high.
Give your best , there is not substitute for astonishing ideas. Make the most of every opportunity. Art is the product of the whole person. A new day to decide afresh which outcome I am living for mine or His? Be faithful in the little things.
These words were taken from my notes from Making ARt like a True Artist by Charlie Peacock-Ashworth
I just took the time to read this and I love it Valerie. It means a lot to me at this time!
Valerie, what awesome. The colors are beautiful and I love trees. Very inspiring.
WOW!! Your pages are amazing and their message makes me very happy to have met yet another fellow Christian by way of Everyday Matters group website. Thanks for sharing your work. I will visit your site often.
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